Your coupon for a Spanish conversation course

You can use the form below to redeem your coupon for our Spanish conversation classes. You have received your coupons are free of charge with the booking of our Spanish group courses (you will receive all information when you register). You can take Spanish conversation classes online or on-site at our language school in Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin.

The conversation classes are perfect to practice speaking and conversing in Spanish at all levels.

If you don’t have a coupon and would like to book one of our Spanish conversation courses, you can find our course overview here.

Spansh-Conversation: Coupon

Here you can bok a date with your conversation coupon.
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How many coupons would you like to use*?
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What is your level?*
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A1 Conversation Courses:
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A2 Conversation Courses:
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B1 Conversation Courses:
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B2 Conversation Courses:
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C1 Conversation Courses:
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C2 Conversation Courses:
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Desired date*
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Datenschutz: Wir fragen nur nach den Infos, die wir benötigen, um deinen Konversations-Coupon einzulösen oder deinen Platz zu reservieren: Deinen Namen und deine E-Mail-Adresse, um dich zu kontaktieren, die Infos über den Kurs, den du buchen möchtest und zu welchem Termin nehmen möchtest.
– Alle Anderen Felder sind optional, aber wenn du uns ein wenig mehr über dich schreibst, hilfst du deinem Lehrer, sich auf eure Stunde vorzubereiten.

Natürlich kannst du uns jederzeit schreiben, wenn du möchtest, dass wir deine Daten löschen.
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The Spanish Conversation Coupon:

  • What is it? You receive the coupon as a small gift with your course booking for Spanish group courses or larger packages of individual Spanish lessons.
  • Validity: The coupon is valid for the duration of your Spanish course. After the end of your course, the coupon expires. The coupon cannot be transferred to another person.
  • Dates: You can use your coupon in one of our Spanish conversation groups. You can find the dates in the form or here. The coupon can only be used on the dates of our conversation group classes.
  • Location: We will confirm your request and let you know when the course will take place. Please wait for our confirmation, because we first have to check if there are still places available for your desired date.
  • Price: With coupon of course for free :). If you don’t have a coupon, you can also book the conversation courses here.
    Registration: Use the form on the left.