Vista General de los Niveles de Español

Which Level is suitable for me?
Are you unsure which level of your Spanish course is best for you? Here you will find an overview of our course levels, topics, requirements and content.
Please note that the information is only intended as a rough guide. Each course is as different as its students and the topics mentioned are not a complete summary of the entire course content.
If you are unsure about your level, please take a free placement test with us.
Below you will find all courses sorted by level.
Spanish A1
No prerequisites. This course is designed for complete beginners and students with very little knowledge.
In this course, you will learn:
- To talk about yourself
- To form free sentences
- To share your preferences
- To describe people
- The numbers up to 100
- The nouns
- The conjugation of regular verbs in the present tense
- The irregular verbs ser, tener, hacer
- Me gusta
- Adjectives
- Personal pronouns
- Possessive pronouns
Con Gusto Nuevo A1
Unidad 1
You don’t have to master the topics in A1.1 perfectly, but they shouldn’t be entirely new to you either. You should be able to form sentences on your own and talk about yourself and others (ideas, preferences, job, family…).
In this course, you will learn, among other things:
- To order in a restaurant
- To describe a path and a city
- To organize a vacation
- To speak in the past
- The numbers up to 1,000,000
Speaking freely and understanding more complicated texts will be practiced and deepened.
- The irregular verbs in the present tense
- The perfect
- Accusative pronouns
- Dative verbs
- The use of prepositions
- The difference between «ser» and «estar»
Con Gusto Nuevo A1
Unidad 5
You don’t have to have a perfect command of the topics up to and including A1.2, but they shouldn’t be entirely new to you either. You should be able to speak freely in simple sentences and at least theoretically know the perfect tense.
Topics covered in this course include:
- Giving tips and advice
- Organizing leisure activities and arranging meetings
- Residing and living
- Speaking in the past
- Distinctive features of Latin American culture
Free discussions and conversations will be deepened.
- Reflexive verbs
- The progressive form (gerundio)
- The Futuro Compuesto
- The difference between «por» and «para»
- The regular forms of the indefinido
Con Gusto Nuevo A1
Unidad 9
Spanish A2
You don’t have to master all the topics in A1 completely and to perfection, but they shouldn’t be entirely new to you either. You should be able to speak freely (with some errors acceptable) in the present and make your wishes and problems understandable in everyday situations. Ideally, you can also express yourself to some extent in the past.
Vocabulary Fields:
- Learning and teaching materials
- Shopping and clothing
- Body and health
A particular focus of this course is speaking in the past tenses.
- Desde, hace, desde hace
- The indefinido (regular and irregular forms)
- Verbal periphrases
- Combination of direct and indirect object pronouns
- Adverbs
- The imperfecto (regular and irregular forms)
Con Gusto Nuevo A2
Unidad 1
Du musst die Themen bis inklusive A2.1 nicht perfekt beherrschen, aber sie sollten auch nicht komplett neu für dich sein.
Du kannst Frei in der Gegenwart sprechen und in Alltagssituationen, deine Wünsche und Probleme verständlich machen. Du kennst die Formen von Indefinido, Imperfecto und Perfecto bereits, du machst aber noch Fehler bei der Bildung der Formen. Du hast noch nicht gelernt, wann das Indefinido im Vergleich zum Imperfecto benutzt wird.
Topics Covered:
- Talk about childhood experiences
- Describe habits and events in the past
- Tell anecdotes
- Structure a narrative
- Formulate commandments and prohibitions
- Make a phone call
Vocabulary Fields:
- Festivals and Celebrations
- Landscape description
- Environmental Protection
- Use of Indefinido and Imperfecto in comparison
- The affirmed and negated imperative
- Ir vs. venir; traer vs. llevar
- The increasing form on -ísimo
- Pronouns plus imperatives
- Emphasized possessive pronouns
Con Gusto Nuevo A2
Unidad 5
You don’t have to master the topics up to and including A2.2 perfectly, but they shouldn’t be completely new to you either. You should be able to speak freely in the present and make your wishes and problems understandable in everyday situations. Although you already know the forms and usage of indefinido, imperfecto, and perfecto, you are still making mistakes.
Communication Topics:
- Talk about the future
- Assumptions and comparisons
- Applications
Vocabulary Fields:
- Social projects
- Media
- Work
- The Futuro Simple
- The difference between «ser» and «estar»
- The Conditional
- The Pluscuamperfecto
Con Gusto Nuevo A2
Unidad 9
Spanish B1
You don’t have to master all the topics in A2 completely and to perfection, but they shouldn’t be entirely new to you either.
You can converse freely in Spanish. You speak fluently in the present and mostly without errors. In the past, you can speak fluently, but you still make mistakes. You have learned all the past tenses at least once (Perfecto, Indefinido, Imperfecto, Pluscuamperfecto), but you are still having difficulties, particularly with the correct application and the differences in usage. Although you have already learned the imperatives, you still make mistakes when using them spontaneously. You haven’t learned the subjunctive yet.
- Communication Topics:
- Making recommendations
- Formulating complaints
- Planning a trip
- Discussing life plans
- Comparing opinions
Vocabulary Fields:
- School and school time
- Travel
- House and home
- Repetition of past tenses
- Forms of the Presente de Subjuntivo
- Repetition of the imperatives
- Use of the subjunctive for wishes and recommendations
- Direct and indirect speech (present tense)
- Use of the subjuntivo in indirect speech
- Use of the subjunctive in opinions and evaluations
Con Gusto Nuevo B1
Unidad 1
You don’t have to master the topics up to and including B1.1 perfectly, but they shouldn’t be completely new to you either.
You can converse freely in Spanish. You speak fluently in the present and mostly without errors. In the past, you can speak fluently, but you still make mistakes. Although you have learned all the past tenses at least once (Perfecto, Indefinido, Imperfecto, Pluscuamperfecto), they still need to be consolidated. While you have already learned the imperatives, you still make mistakes when using them spontaneously. You know the forms of the subjuntivo in the present tense, but you only partially know how to use the subjuntivo.
Communication Topics:
- Summaries
- Expressing impersonality
- Structuring a text
- Describing cause, goal, and consequence
- Talking about moods
- Talking about interpersonal relationships
Vocabulary Fields:
- Film and literature
- Senses
- Feelings and values
- The passive
- Repeat: Futuro Simple
- The Futuro Perfecto: forms and use
- Relative clauses with prepositions
- Subjuntivo with «para que,» «de modo que…»
- The use of «ser» and «estar» with adjectives
- Relative clauses with indicative and subjunctive
Con Gusto Nuevo B1
Unidad 5
You don’t have to master the topics up to and including B1.2 perfectly, but they shouldn’t be completely new to you either.
You can converse freely in Spanish. You speak fluently in the present and mostly without errors. In the past, you can speak fluently, but you still make mistakes. Although you have learned all the past tenses at least once (Perfecto, Indefinido, Imperfecto, Pluscuamperfecto), they still need to be consolidated. You know the forms of the subjuntivo in the present tense, and you understand how to use the subjuntivo theoretically, but you still lack practice in using the subjuntivo. In this mode, you don’t yet know any tenses other than the present (Presente de Subjuntivo).
Communication Topics:
- Express opinions, evaluations, and beliefs
- Summarize a text
- Prepare and give a lecture
- Take notes on a lecture
- Talk about duties and obligations
Vocabulary Fields:
- Beauty
- Celebrations and festivals
- Nature, climate, geography
- Politics and society
- Use of indicative and subjuntivo after «cuando»
- The use of the subjunctive in decisions left to others
- The difference between «sino» and «pero»
- Indirect speech in the past
- Forms of the Imperfecto de Subjuntivo
- Conditional sentences with «si»
- Unreal conditional sentences
Con Gusto Nuevo B1
Unidad 9
Spanish B2
You don’t have to master all the topics in A2 completely and to perfection, but they shouldn’t be completely new to you either.
You can converse in Spanish in almost all situations without getting into trouble. You can read original texts, lead discussions, and tell and understand jokes and anecdotes. You know all the indicative tenses (Presente, Perfecto, Indefinido, Imperfecto, Pluscuamperfecto, Futuro Compuesto, Futuro Simple, Futuro Perfecto) and can use them when speaking spontaneously, even if small mistakes creep in from time to time in the past tenses.
You know the forms and use of the subjunctive in the present tense, even if the use still needs to be consolidated. You know how to form the Imperfecto de Subjuntivo, but you can’t yet use it spontaneously.
From B2 onwards, it is possible to take the courses in a rotated order, as the content is no longer strictly based on one another. Although we recommend the order B2.1-B2.2-B2.3, it is also possible to take the courses in the order B2.2-B2.3-B2.1 or B2.3-B2.1-B2.2, etc., to visit.
Possible Discussion and Conversation Topics:
- Fears and challenges
- Character and personality
- Climate change
- Historical personalities
- Hypotheses
- Crime
- Films and series
- Internet and cybercrime
- Subjunctive for feelings and preferences
- Repeat «ser» and «estar»
- Repetition: Indicative or Subjuntivo
- Repetition of the use of past tenses
- Repetition of the subjunctive when expressing an opinion
- Repetition of the Imperfecto de Subjuntivo
- Repetition of the passive voice
- Repetition: Indirect speech in the past
- Verbal periphrases with gerundio, infinitivo, or participio
Con Gusto Nuevo B2
Unidad 1
You can converse in Spanish in almost all situations without getting into trouble. You can read original texts, lead discussions, and tell and understand jokes and anecdotes. You know all the tenses of the indicative (Presente, Perfecto, Indefinido, Imperfecto, Pluscuamperfecto, Futuro Compuesto, Futuro Simple, Futuro Perfecto) and can mostly use them correctly even when speaking spontaneously.
You know the forms and use of the subjunctive in the present tense, even if small mistakes creep in from time to time when using it. You also know the formation of the Imperfecto de Subjuntivo.
From B2 onwards, it is possible to take the courses in a rotated order, as the content is no longer strictly based on one another. Although we recommend the order B2.1-B2.2-B2-3, it is also possible to take the courses in the order B2.2-B2.3-B2.1 or B2.3-B2.1-B2.2, etc., to visit.
Possible Discussion and Conversation Topics:
- Cooking and recipes
- Nutrition and food
- Animals and pets
- News and information media
- The perfecto de subjuntivo
- Conditional expressions with subjunctivos
- Restrictive conditional expressions with subjunctivos
- Repetition: Relative clauses with indicative or subjunctive
- Relative clauses with infinitives
- Repetition of unreal and real conditional sentences
- Repetition of concessive sentences with subjuntivo or indicative
- Verbs of influence with indicative or subjuntivo
- Transformation verbs
- The infinitivo compuesto
Con Gusto Nuevo B2
Unidad 5
You can converse in Spanish in almost all situations without getting into trouble. You can read original texts, lead discussions, and tell and understand jokes and anecdotes. You know all the tenses of the indicative (Presente, Perfecto, Indefinido, Imperfecto, Pluscuamperfecto, Futuro Compuesto, Futuro Simple, Futuro Perfecto) and can mostly use them correctly even when speaking spontaneously.
You know the forms and use of the subjunctive in the present tense, even if small mistakes creep in from time to time when using it. You also know the formation and use of the Imperfecto de Subjuntivo and the Perfecto de Subjuntivo, even if mistakes still creep in.
From B2 onwards, it is possible to take the courses in a rotated order, as the content is no longer strictly based on one another. Although we recommend the order B2.1-B2.2-B2-3, it is also possible to take the courses in the order B2.2-B2.3-B2.1 or B2.3-B2.1-B2.2, etc., to visit.
Possible Discussion and Conversation Topics:
- Cities
- Life quality
- Health and vaccinations
- Folk festivals
- Art
- Music and dance
- Repeat «ser» and «estar»
- Repeat Futuro Compuesto
- Indicativo and subjuntivo in sentences with «mientras»
- The Condicional Compuesto
- The Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo
- Unreal conditional sentences in the past
- Subjuntivo with «ojalá» and «como si»
Con Gusto Nuevo B2
Unidad 9
You can express yourself clearly and structured in Spanish in all life situations without getting into difficulties. You can also read complex original texts on various topics, engage in discussions, and tell and understand jokes and anecdotes. You are familiar with all tenses of the indicative (Presente, Perfecto, Indefinido, Imperfecto, Pluscuamperfecto, Futuro Compuesto, Futuro Simple, Futuro Perfecto) and can apply them correctly when speaking spontaneously.
You are knowledgeable about the forms and usage of the subjunctive in all its tenses (Presente, Imperfecto, Perfecto, Pluscuamperfecto), and you make almost no mistakes when using it in spontaneous speech. However, you still want to refine nuances, such as specific technical vocabulary and certain specific applications of grammar.
C de C1
Your language level is almost indistinguishable from that of a native speaker. You can have a clear and structured conversation in Spanish in all situations without getting into trouble. You can read complex original texts on various topics, engage in structured discussions, and tell and understand jokes and anecdotes. You have a strong command of Spanish grammar and don’t make mistakes when using it.
If the students wish, a course book will be used after coordination with the course, or else the lessons will take place without a course book.